Trump Tells Dictator He’ll Force Ukraine’s Surrender To Putin!!!

(Meidas Touch Network)–“Since Russia invaded Ukraine, Trump has said repeatedly that he would “end the war in 24 hours” if he was president. When asked by interviewers on right-wing channels like Fox and Newsmax to say how he would do that, Trump has been evasive and refused to give specifics. Naturally, they give no push-back nor do then try to pin him down in any way.

Donald Trump, Jr. has said on his podcast repeatedly that Trump would end the war by cutting off all aid to Ukraine, which will force them to capitulate to Russia without US assistance. Junior would not be making those comments without knowing that to be his father’s intentions, but mainstream media in the US has reported very little on what Trump’s obvious intentions appear to be.

Well, Viktor Orban and Russian media has done their job for them, because they both state explicitly that is what is going to happen if Trump is elected. Russian Media Monitor, which tracks Russian TV and provides translations for clips that are relevant to US audiences, posted a clip on YouTube focusing on Viktor Orban’s recent trip to the US to visit with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. In the clip, the Russian host says that Orban said, after meeting with Trump, that he “won’t give a penny to Ukraine” if he wins the election:

There you have it. Trump will seek to end the war in Ukraine by disarming their military and forcing their occupation by Russian forces. Putin said in his interview with Tucker Carlson that he is not satisfied with the territorial gains it has achieved and will continue the war until they are able to “de-nazify” the Ukrainian government and people. We know exactly what that means for people of Ukraine and their political and military leadership if they are forced to surrender. Another Trump presidency would not only be disastrous for the US, it would imperil the security of the entire world. They are telling us what they are going to do. Will enough Americans wake up in time?”

According to Hungarian and Russian State Media reports, what we all suspected was the focus of Dictator Viktor Orban’s visit to Donald Trump at Mar-A-Largo was Russia’s ultimate victory over Ukraine. Orban, Putin’s lone puppet currently ruling a NATO country. Was tasked with making sure that if Trump were to be elected President again, he would be all-in on serving Ukraine to Putin on a gold-plated “Trump” platter.

Of course, Trump was delighted to help Putin and Orban with their campaign against sovereign democracies. As long as the quid pro quo for such anti-American transgressions, would include a detailed playbook on how Trump could transform the United States from a democracy into an Authoritarian State. Just as Orban has successfully done in Hungary. That would certainly explain Orban’s meeting with the Heritage Foundation. The group currently interviewing thousands of Trump loyalists to implement throughout the government if Trump were to return to power. The plan would call for the removal of all current government employees, even those in nonpolitical civil service positions. If they refused to swear their allegiance to Donald Trump’s wishes. It’s been named Project 2025 and if that appears to be the first step toward a dictatorship in America, that’s exactly what it is.

Trump, Putin, and Orban would be the totalitarian human centipede from hell if Trump were to win in 2024. Allowing Trump to fulfill the tyrannical role he envies in both Putin and Orban. Russia is once again committed to interfering in our elections. Mostly because Trump wasn’t successful in removing America from the NATO alliance in his first term. Putin is still awaiting returns on his investment from Trump. Specifically for Russian tampering efforts that allowed Trump to take office in the 2016 election. Trump still owes Putin “bigly” for services rendered. How better to repay that debt, than to gift Putin the victory he desires in Ukraine.

Orban appears to be the glue guy that binds Trump and Putin together. Serving, not only as an example for Trump’s transition to a dictatorship but also as a go-between for the two. Creating enough separation for Trump and Putin so the MAGA base can pretend a relationship doesn’t exist. But with every passing day, we uncover more information. Adding additional pieces to this collaboration’s puzzle. With each reported account the picture becomes ever more clear. Of a nightmarish future for democracy-loving countries from around the globe. The only thing that can stand in the way of this dystopian reality is We The People’s vote against Trump’s reelection. If we can just put our petty political differences aside long enough. To save our beloved nation from the grips of pure evil. Whether it’s Trump, Putin, Orban, or the three-headed monster they represent together.

For A frightening look into Trump’s obsession with Dictatorships click the link below

Click the link below for the Meidas Touch Network article quoted in this column

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